Herbal Supplements for Arthritis Relief

Herbal Supplements for Arthritis Relief

Arthritis is a leading cause of disability and pain worldwide. You can find a lot of advice online, but how do you choose the best natural herbal remedy? In this article, you will read details of natural products for internal and topical usage that are of profound advantage in osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis treatment. They are potent medicines with no serious adverse effects reported.

1. Proteolytic Enzymes

Proteolytic enzymes help the digestive process by providing essential enzymes typically produced by the digestive system for food metabolism. These enzymes include trypsin, chymotrypsin (produced by the pancreas), bromelain, and papain.
Tropical fruits, such as papaya (which contains papain) and pineapples (which contain bromelain), are natural food sources of proteolytic enzymes.

Proteolytic enzymes exhibit anti-inflammatory properties since they improve complete gut health and immunity. Certain scientific studies have proved they can decrease swelling and pain linked with rheumatoid arthritis and improve mobility in individuals with osteoarthritis. They even enable the control of inflammatory responses by fighting back infections.

2. Ginger

The chemical constituents of ginger result in analgesic and anti-inflammatory responses in the human body. Research findings have demonstrated that ginger reduces pain linked to arthritis and also helps the body by improving overall digestive health.

A 2005 scientific paper stated that an extract prepared from ginger (source: Zingiber officinale and Alpinia galanga plant species) inhibits many genes linked with inflammatory responses.

3. Turmeric

The most potent chemical constituent in turmeric is curcumin, which is known to be the most powerful anti-inflammatory agent. Other than this, more than 100 active constituents have been isolated from turmeric; essential compounds are present in its volatile oils called turmerone, demethoxycircumin, dihydrocircumin, and 5'-methoxycircumin.

The primary beneficial effects of turmeric on arthritis include a reduction in joint inflammation, edema, and/or swelling. It also slows down the adverse effects on periarticular joints in arthritis patients. Several research studies on turmeric have primarily attempted to analyze the analgesic effects linked to inflammatory conditions.

In one research study published, the impact of turmeric supplements administered to rheumatoid arthritis patients was compared to conventional drugs (diclofenac sodium) or a combination of both. The curcumin group exhibited the maximum percentage of overall recovery. People with arthritis were significantly better in the turmeric group than the diclofenac sodium group. Additionally, turmeric had practically no negative adverse reactions in the human body.

4. Frankincense (Boswellia Essential Oil)

Boswellia, also known as Indian frankincense, is a powerful supplement that helps reduce inflammation. It is present in many concentrated forms, such as a therapeutic-grade oil that needs to be massaged directly onto the painful skin areas. Boswellia serrata extract is so potent that it is comparable to the NSAID analgesic today.

As per the research study, Boswellia can help arthritis patients in several ways, like the reduction of arthritis pain using several methods like assisting in the overall immune function, interference with the production process of cytokines, which increases inflammation, delaying the body's reactions to sensitivities, enabling regulation of lymphocytes (white blood cells) and interactions with T-cells, and resulting in the reduction of autoimmune responses of the body as linked with immunoglobulin G antibodies.

Combine several drops of pure frankincense oil with coconut oil to make the carrier oil. Thus, you can apply the preparation to the painful joint area several times daily. Turmeric, myrrh, orange, ginger, lavender, and peppermint oil are a few other essential oils that can be applied similarly.

5. Comfrey to Topical Creams

Comfrey is a medicinal herb that can reduce pain and makes a powerful addition to topical arthritis treatment. A cohort of studies on topical herbal therapies that are beneficial in arthritic conditions found that comfrey extract gel could help reduce pain.

In addition to the above study, a research finding stated that topical comfrey preparations reduced pain and stiffness and thus improved physical movements. It was found to be more efficient than placebos in people suffering from osteoarthritis of the knee. Also, it was observed that comfrey had no serious side effects.

6. Chili

Capsaicin, an active ingredient in chili peppers, acts as a pain reliever by reducing the reduction of Substance P. Substance P causes the activation of inflammation in joints. It is also a transmitter present in nerves, which results in the submission of pain signals to the brain. 

Chili is acknowledged as a potent analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent in the medical universe, showing no adverse reactions in the human body. It is important to note that it is only for topical application purposes.

7. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar comprises several minerals like calcium, potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus that the human body requires to reduce pain. In the case of an arthritis problem, if the person is deficient in any of the above minerals, apple cider vinegar will significantly help. In addition to this, magnesium helps make bones stronger.

Acetic acid and beta-carotene, which are present in apple cider vinegar, are antioxidants that help prevent free radicals from damaging cells and tissues.

In conclusion, numerous studies have proven the effectiveness of the herbal remedies mentioned above in treating arthritis. In addition, they do not present the human body with adverse reactions. Thus, they are effective and safe in treating arthritis through nutritional therapies. Take the best care of yourself! Remember, a healthy you is a joyful you!

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