7 Symptoms Of Mood Disorders

7 Symptoms Of Mood Disorders

Changes in your mood can interfere with your day to day life. Luckily, there are many things that you can do to improve your mood and behaviors.

Mood disorders affect millions of American each year. Mood disorders are characterized by severe changes in a person’s moods. Some of the common mood disorders include bipolar disorder, depression, seasonal affective disorder, and cyclothymia. In addition to causing mood swings, individuals suffering from a mood disorder are at an increased risk of developing a number of illnesses, including diabetes and heart disease.

Mood disorders impact the intensity or level of your mood. Although everyone experiences a variety of feelings, such as irritability, sadness, and anxiety, from time to time, in individuals with a mood disorder, these moods are not linked with a specific trigger. Additionally, individuals suffering from mood disorders are unable to snap themselves out of their mood. Mood swings typically come on gradually rather than suddenly.

Many people do not realize that you can improve your mood using brain boosting Vitamins and minerals. Vitamins and minerals nourish the brain and help regulate your mood. In addition to this, practicing stress-reducing techniques like deep breathing exercises, guided meditation, and journaling can also help level out your moods.

Mood disorder symptoms can vary from person to person; however, most experience depression, and irritability during a mood swing. In addition to this, sufferers can experience a number of other symptoms. Unfortunately, many of these symptoms can be the symptoms of a number of health issues.

Weight gain and mood disorders

The National Institute of Health (NIH) reported that three-quarters of individuals who bipolar disorders have are either obese or overweight. Those suffering from a mood disorder often have low energy levels, coupled with an increased appetite or using food as a coping mechanism for the mood swings.

Suicidal thoughts and mood disorders

The risk of suicidal thoughts increases exponentially in patients suffering from major mood disorders. Self-destructive thought patterns are intricate and involve cultural components, psychosocial components, and biologic components. Many studies have found that approximately 90 percent of individuals who commit suicide have an untreated mood disorder, substance abuse disorder, or suffer from schizophrenia. Additionally, almost half of all individuals who suffer from a mood disorder have attempted suicide at least once in their lifetime.

7 Symptoms Of Mood Disorders

Disrupted sleep patterns in mood disorders

Mood disorders can cause insomnia or the ability to get to sleep or fall asleep. They can also cause hypersomnia, which is sleeping too much. Finally, sufferers often do not require the amount of sleep as other people. Even when an individual does not get an ample amount of sleep, they will not feel tired the next day. Finally, dreams may be extremely bizarre or vivid.

Low energy levels in mood disorders

Mood disorders can cause fatigue. Fatigue causes a lack of energy or extreme tiredness. When an individual experiences manic episodes, the sufferer will be very energetic; however, when their mood swings into depression, fatigue can impact their day to day lives. They may not be motivated to do anything and may feel as that getting up is impossible.

Prolonged periods of sadness in mood disorders

Mood disorders cause extended periods of sadness. Individuals suffering from a mood disorder often report that they have difficulty concentrating, thinking, or remembering. Furthermore, they usually have feelings of emptiness, guilt, hopeless, or worthlessness.

Loss of pleasure in mood disorders

Individuals who suffer from mood disorders report that things which once gave them pleasure no longer provided the enjoyment it once did. Additionally, they may lose interest in activities that they once enjoyed.

Substance abuse

Mood disorder sufferers often try to self-medicate, which can lead to an addiction. Treating a mood disorder can help to reduce the cravings for a substance as well as minimizing the need to use an illegal substance to help masquerade a patient’s mood swings.

Mood disorders often cause extended periods of excess sadness, excess joy, or a combination of these two feelings. When a person is experiencing sadness, they will feel defeated, disappointed, and discouraged. Joy, on the other hand, is the universal response experienced in encouraging situations like achievements and successes.

Changes in your mood can interfere with your day to day life. Luckily, there are many things that you can do to improve your mood and behaviors. If you are feeling the symptoms listed above, seek out help.

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