9 Health Benefits Of Magnesium Supplements

9 Health Benefits of Magnesium Supplements

Magnesium is an essential mineral needed to maintain health. Eating magnesium rich foods and taking a supplement will help ensure that your body continues to perform at its peak.

Magnesium is a mineral that is needed for more than 300 enzyme reactions in the body, including muscle function, blood pressure regulation, immune support, and nerve function. A deficiency of this all important mineral causes numerous health issues.

Eating a diet filled with foods rich in magnesium like cashews, almonds, green leafy vegetables, dairy products, chocolate, whole grains, seeds, and spinach along with a vitamin and mineral supplement like those offered by Pure Encapsulations supplements can help. Let’s look at the top 9 health benefits of this vital mineral.

1. Bone health – Most people are aware that calcium and vitamin D is needed for healthy bones and teeth. Unfortunately, many people do not realize that magnesium is also needed for proper bone development and formation.

People who have high levels of this important mineral in their bodies have higher bone mineral density. Increased magnesium intake reduces the risk of fractures and osteoporosis. Magnesium works with vitamin D, osteoblasts, bone building cells, and parathyroid hormones to maintain normal calcium levels.

Certain individuals are at risk of a deficiency of this bone building mineral, including:

  • The elderly
  • Individuals with type 2 diabetes
  • Individuals who suffer from long-term alcoholism
  • Individuals who suffer from gastrointestinal problems, including celiac disease and Crohn’s disease

If you are concerned with your bone health, talk with your doctor to see how this supplement can help improve your bone health.

2. Decreased risk of developing type 2 diabetes – Research has discovered that magnesium plays a role in insulin metabolism and glucose control. In fact, almost half of all individuals diagnosed with type 2 diabetes have low levels of this important mineral.

Taking a magnesium supplement improves glucose levels and A1C levels.  It also helps to decrease insulin resistance in those suffering from type 2 diabetes and decreases the effects of metabolic syndrome on the body.

If you have been diagnosed with prediabetes or type 2 diabetes, increase your consumption of this important mineral to improve your glucose levels and decrease insulin resistance. 

3. Premenstrual syndrome – Ask any women’s health practitioner and they will tell you that magnesium can help relieve many of the symptoms of PMS. Premenstrual Syndrome can cause a number of physical and emotional symptoms, including abdominal bloating, breast tenderness, fluid retention, stomach cramps, food cravings, mood swings, and anxiety.

When you supplement with this powerful mineral, it calms the nervous system, normalizes the central nervous system, relieves period pain, and improves your mood naturally.

If you are suffering from unrelenting PMS, talk with your doctor to find out how supplementation may help to naturally reduce the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

4. Improve cardiovascular health – Chronic systemic inflammation is very common in patients with poor cardiovascular health. Chronic inflammation increases blood pressure readings as well as cholesterol and triglyceride levels, both of which increase the risk of poor cardiovascular health.

Magnesium is an essential mineral used to ensure a healthy heart rhythm. Magnesium competes with the calcium in your body. The body uses calcium to generate heart contractions. Conversely, magnesium relaxes the heart by pushing the calcium out of the heart muscles.

Consuming magnesium-rich foods and taking a supplement can reduce inflammation levels and improve your overall cardiovascular health. If you have high cholesterol or triglyceride levels, suffer from angina, or have high blood pressure, consider adding this supplement to your diet. 

5. Migraine prevention – Migraine headaches are debilitating. Migraine sufferers experience pain, light sensitivity, noise sensitivity, nausea, and vomiting during a headache. Oftentimes, a migraine will send an individual to a dark, quiet room for a day or more.

Men, women, and children who suffer from migraines are likely to be magnesium deficient. Mineral supplements can help prevent and even relieve acute headaches better than many types of migraine medicines on the market.

Studies have shown that this powerful mineral can reduce migraine frequency by almost 50 percent. If you suffer from migraines often, add a mineral supplement and see if the frequency of your headaches reduces.

6. Enhance exercise performance – Magnesium is used by the body to convert glucose into energy. When you exercise, this mineral transports glucose into your muscles. Your muscles then use glucose for energy.

In addition to this, it removes lactate (lactic acid) from your muscles. Lactate can build up in your muscles as you exercise. Lactic acid builds up causes achy, tired muscles.

Studies have shown that athletes, those with chronic diseases, and the elderly can benefit from a magnesium supplement. With regular supplementation, you can experience fewer muscle cramps and improved exercise performance. 

Health Benefits of Magnesium Supplements

7. Improved mood regulation –Many people are surprised to learn that a magnesium supplement can improve your mood. Studies have shown that low levels increase the risk of mood disorders, including anxiety and depression.

Low levels of this mineral can interfere with the HPA (hypothalamic pituitary, and adrenal) axis, which controls an individual's reaction to stress. Coupling this supplement with stress reduction techniques like meditation, deep breathing exercises, yoga, prayer, and journaling can reduce stress levels and improve your mood.

8. Improved sleep – If you are having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, you may need to take a magnesium supplement. This supplement helps improve the functionality of your GABA receptors in the brain. GABA receptors are neurotransmitters that calm the body and the mind.

When you do not have enough GABA in the body, you will be tense and stressed, which will prevent you from getting to sleep and being able to stay asleep. Taking a supplement an hour before bedtime can help you get a good night’s sleep.

9. Improved digestion – Magnesium is a great stool softener. It helps the body draw water into waste, so your stools are easier to pass.

It also acts as a gentle, all natural muscle relaxer, which means it helps relax the muscles in the digestive tract that is responsible for elimination. When these muscles relax, your stools will be easier to pass waste.

If you suffer from constipation, try taking a magnesium supplement daily with your breakfast. After a few days of taking this supplement, your constipation will be a vacant memory.

Magnesium is an essential mineral needed to maintain health. Eating magnesium-rich foods and taking a supplement will help ensure that your body continues to function properly.

This important mineral helps regulate glucose levels to aid in energy production. It also helps normalize blood pressure for improved heart health. It supports digestion and eases constipation. Magnesium also improves your bone health, reduces the symptoms of PMS, and regulates your mood.

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