Test Kits
This panel tests for 10 food intolerances and other factors that can activate the immune system. It measures changes in size and volume of white blood cells in response to challenges with foods.This is a tolerance test, not an allergy test.Ordering the Food Panel ALCAT test kit is a simple 4 step process1. Purchase the ALCAT test kit from VitaLiving.com2. Your ALCAT test kit will be mailed to you.3. Once the kit arrives you can get a blood draw doneFor important instructions on Proper Collection and shipping of Blood Sample click on the Additional Information tab4. We will mail you your ALCAT test results.Includes FREE consultation with a nutritionist to review test results.Environmental Chemicals (10 Items) Panel includes testing for the following – Acid Blue Benzoic Acid Acid Red Ammonium Chloride BHT Annatto Aspartame Blue Indigo Carmine Brillant Black BHA
This panel tests for 20 food intolerances and other factors that can activate the immune system. It measures changes in size and volume of white blood cells in response to challenges with foods.This is a tolerance test, not an allergy test.Ordering the Food Panel ALCAT test kit is a simple 4 step process1. Purchase the ALCAT test kit from VitaLiving.com2. Your ALCAT test kit will be mailed to you.3. Once the kit arrives you can get a blood draw doneFor important instructions on Proper Collection and shipping of Blood Sample click on the Additional Information tab4. We will mail you your ALCAT test results.Includes FREE consultation with a nutritionist to review test results. Molds (20 Items) Panel includes testing for the following – Alternaria alternate Cladosporium herbarum Aspergillus fumigatus Botrytis cinerea Epicoccum nigrum Candida albicans Cephalosporium Geotrichum candidum Helminthosporium Hormodendrum Pullularia Monilia sitophila Mucor racemosus Rhodotorula rubra Penicillium notatum Fusarium oxysporum Phoma destructive Rhizopus stolonifer Trichoderma Curvularia Spondylocladium
Test Kits Products
Vita Living provides a complete range of kits to test for food allergy, bio transformation, hormonal imbalance, hormones, and nutrients. Our tests are useful to individuals, healthcare professionals, and laboratories alike. Our tests are useful in identifying health problems, monitoring treatments, or keeping an eye on a health concern. The ALCAT testing kits, for example, are used to determine body's intolerance/sensitivity to over 350 foods, chemicals, and herbs. The BioHealth kits help determine the source and the impact of chronic stress. Shop our wide variety of saliva, urine, and stool test kits below.
The saliva hormone testing kits are highly used by physicians to test for hormonal imbalance, bio-transformation, nutrient check, quantitative fatty acids analysis, identification of metabolic imbalance, intestinal barrier function, parasites and pathogens, immunology, etc.
Separate kits for hormone testing for women are also available.
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